Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 10

Wake up/ Prep for day.
We woke up this morning at 6:30 am with a long day ahead of us.

7:30 am- Breakfast

8:00 am- EDM Positions:
Delegating positions with one another for our extended duration mission, headed up by Cuan who methodically separated us into groups and then finalised positions with paper, scissors, rocks.

8:30 am- Orbital Mechanics – Pilots ( learned about the different angles of flight and different axis of flying a space shuttle).

Micro Gravity DNA extraction – Mission Specialists (did a DNA extraction activity in preparation for a mission on the space station. We extracted the DNA of a strawberry; highlight of the lesson was Matt spilling strawberry juice all over James).

9:30 am- Shuttle Landing Simulation :Pilots(The pilots headed up to ISS control for a simulation of a shuttle landing at 30,000 ft. in many different conditions, such as landing during the night or in bad weather).
:Mission Specialists (to their surprise discovered that they would also face medical anomalies during the EDM and learned the proper procedures for dealing with such events).

10:30 am -Orbital Systems 2:
We learned about the different power systems aboard the space shuttle, where the main faults would occur and who to contact when such an event did occur.

11:30 am -Lunch

12:00 pm -Extended Duration Mission (EDM) Training:
We were separated into our different tracks and briefed about the EDM and some events that may occur during the mission. This didn’t take very long and we ended up talking to the instructors for most of the lesson.

1:00 pm - Rocket Construction 3 :
We finished our rockets in preparation for tomorrows launch. The objective is to fire an egg into the air and safely return to the ground in a hand made rocket.

2:00 pm - Orbital Systems 2:
Orbital systems 2 turned out to be exactly the same as the earlier session.
2:30 pm -Shuttle History:
We went to the museum and had a quick look at some of the shuttle displays there.
3:00 pm to 9:00 pm – EDM:
We had 3 x 1.75 hour missions: launch, docking with the space station and landing. This was a very long hard challenge that had people dieing every few minutes with the medical anomalies and the ‘space ghosts’ (the councillors) kept standing by and giving us cards which diagnosed us with different symptoms. This kept the mission specialists on their toes as they had to continually help people. Some of the medical anomalies that occurred were:
2 minutes into the flight Jess had a heart attack and James and Matt got up to help and then got knocked out by the G’s.
Later in the flight the ISS was hit by a meteorite shower and the damage which resulted in a LiOH canister failure, which killed half the crew.
On the descent, the crew in the mid-deck were bitten by a tiger snake (what was that doing in space?) and had 5 minutes to live.
To bring a crew member back to life the councillors made us do stupid stuff like sing songs in front of the camera, which Mr Roberts and Mrs Mengler were recording from.
We all survived, kind of, and had a successful mission.
9:00 pm- Night Telescope Session:
It was cancelled because of cloud cover so we had a brief talk on the northern sky and its constellations.
9:30 pm Hide and Seek in Museum
Another fun game of Hide and go seek as the Americans call it and now off to bed.

By Ryan S. and James.