Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 6

Day 6

28th November 2009:
We woke at the crack of dawn, which was about 5.30am; for an early departure from our luxurious Hilton hotel in Washington DC. Our breakfast was ready and waiting in lunch box packs; consisting of a banana, yoghurt, Danish, water, juice and a muesli bar. We arrived at Dulles Airport to check in and yet again go through another security check. This time only one or two of us were pulled over for food which we had accidentally forgotten. The gate was miles away from the check in although the travelators did speed things up. We had to walk onto the tarmac in order to border our somewhat miniscule plane. After all we were use to the Qantas A380, which had all the creature comforts. The plane trip felt very short(only 2 hrs.), there was much to see out side the window; the scenic American landscape was passing us by. In this American Airways plane we could feel the change in direction. We were thankful that the skies were clear; making for a smooth trip. Upon arriving in Huntsville we waited for our bus, which was running late. To pass the time we munched on lollies found in the small and somewhat deserted airport of Huntsville. The bus that finally picked us up arrived about an hour later. The girls had to get the buff men to help them pull their heavy luggage up the steps of the typical American school bus. Once we arrived at the camp we were given hospital tags and minimal bedding and we went upstairs to go see and set up the dorm. To our disgust, horror, shock and surprise the dorms were somewhat like a prison cell. The pillows were more like pancakes then fluffy duck down bedding. We must be used to the five or four-star hotels we have been previously staying in. The rules here are tight, we feel as if we are back in a children’s environment which contrasts to the relative freedom we have grown used to with Mr Roberts and Mrs Mengler. Today is not the official first day of space camp; we do not start the activities until tomorrow. Our lunch was served; consisting of a sumptuous ham and cheese bun, Oreos, coke and chips. Unfortunately fruit and veg is not something that the Americans are keen on. The afternoon was filled with our choice of activities at the Space Centre. The highlight, by far, was the Super Shot which threw us up and down through the sky at scream provoking speeds. We hope this ride will be the first of many great rides that we will experience at Disney World in a weeks time. At the space centre we also went rock climbing and on the Gravitron; which is a large centrifuge that you ride in.
We had a look at the AR12 ( Blackbird) ( the fastest plane in the world) and then we played ball on the grass for a couple of hours. Its amazing at how much entertainment can still be had by playing tunnel ball, leader ball, dodge and clap ball. For a snack some of us had ice cream in very peculiar tiny frozen ball shapes, it surprisingly tasted normal despite its appearance. Dinner was pizza followed by a much-appreciated apple. Then we got involved in watching the Simpson’s movie, playing Monopoly or playing twister (Alex was the winner) before bunking down for bed at lights out (9.00pm). The day was a great success!!!! By Deonie.