Tuesday, November 10, 2009


2009 USA/SPACE Camp

12/11/09 - Final parents/tour group meeting.


  1. Good to see all arrived ok. Photos great and so was the write up

  2. Am enjoying following you all already. Great write up and was delighted there are photos as well. Will keep following

  3. What a fantastic first day, wish I was there seeing it all with you, but the great descriptive notes almost make me feel like I am

  4. Looks like all of you are having a great time. Your trip seems like a lot of fun-makes us envious

  5. Toner family - wonderful writing on this blog thanks for keeping us informed and entertained what a fantastic trip so far - enjoy every minute!

  6. I guess you guys are just getting busier and busier, sure sounds like your having a great time and learning lots as well. Thanks for putting the photos on Graeme - love seeing you all as well as hearing from you

  7. Thanks for the photos. Spacecamp seems like a lot of fun and a great learning experience

  8. thanks for the great photos what a great experience

  9. You guys will sleep for a week when you get home, can't believe all the stuff you fit into one day!

  10. Wow -That's a lot of activity to pack into one day.

  11. Thanks for your e-mail Graeme, glad to hear all finished well at camp. Enjoy your last few days, I'm sure you'll have a blast. Hopefully you will all be so exhausted from your trip that you will be able to sleep most of the way home - making the trip seem shorter.

  12. Enjoy the fantastic places you will visit in the next few days have a great time and take care rest well on the long flight home!
    So that we can hear all the news when you arrive back to 37 degrees sunny Perth!
    Thanks Graeme and Janet for giving the kids such a fantastic trip!

  13. The days have gone by so quickly, can't believe you'll are almost at the end of your wonderful trip. Bet it will be the most talked about topic for weeks on end. Enjoy Disneyworld and looking forward to your next post

  14. Disneyworld looks wonderful, you must have had sooo much fun - wish I was there with you. Enjoy your last day and I'll see you at the airport on thursday!

  15. Thank you for the wonderful narratives on all your activities . Made it fun reading and felt like we were on the tour whith you. The photos were great too. Have a safe flight home and see you all soon.
